Optigram August 31, 2016

We had an interesting meeting today. It seems MCL Cafeteria had some sort of electrical problem that prevented them from cooking any food. They assumed we would cancel our meeting because, after all, who can actually have a meeting without food, right? Well, we decided we would hold our meeting anyway. As it turned out, they had the electricity up and food on the line in time for us to eat right after our meeting activities. So, on with the show.

We had no birthdays to celebrate today.

Secret greeter, Jim Oliver awarded the greeter prize to Stephanie Mann. Has anyone else noticed that Stephanie wins this prize a lot? I think she cheats.

Stephanie gave the contest report today. Michael Bucy won this time so he will give a contest next week.

Stephanie also gave the contest for this week.

Drawing winners were Stephanie Mann, Michael Bucy, and Jan Ermal.

Noon Optimist, Nick Schenkel introduced his fellow West Lafayette Public Library employee, Scott Tracey. Scott is the major planner for a Library function called Family Fun Day, an annual event that takes place near the end of August. This year was the fifth annual FFD.